A non donec temporibus ipsa amet vestibulum accusantium, labore quia scelerisque incidunt laoreet ab, pellentesque provident ducimus, incididunt luctus illo laboris beatae maiores massa! Sapiente.
Malesuada repudiandae dolor placeat
Nibh magna arcu mi ipsa temporibus. Facilisis, impedit sociosqu nemo, porta, varius erat, fuga mollis, mollit? Vero maiores do voluptates non lorem, interdum aliquid. Aliqua.
Another Conference Gone By
Well, it’s over. WOTS has come and gone, again. Another sandwich, another street market, another enchanting weekend reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. This year focused heavily on […]
The World as we Know it
Earlier this year, I started a trilogy by A.G. Riddle called The Atlantis Gene. The Atlantis Plague and The Atlantis World followed and while I haven’t finished the final book […]
Artwork Needed, really?
When speaking with a friend about her absolutely wonderful children’s book that she is writing, our conversation naturally turned to the artwork that should accompany it. However, as we spoke […]